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Working with you for antiracist organizational change

Our Services

We work with you to provide a range of services tailored to meet your DEI and antiracism needs.


Executive Coaching

Institutional leaders set the tone and expectations for DEI and antiracism work within organizations. They are empowered for structural change. We coach leaders from a range of industries--including education, health care, and non-profits--to hone their DEI message, work toward concrete structural change, and self-reflect on and grow in their role within antiracist work at their institutions.


DEI/Antiracism Workshops

How does your organization provide professional learning on DEI principles and practices? We provide small and large group facilitation, consultation, and training on best practices in antiracist structural change. We move beyond one-shot, cookie cutter workshops to stick with you as work groups within your organization develop and implement DEI goals and initiatives.


Speaking Engagements

What is antiracism and how will it shift the culture of your organization? We provide interactive presentations for large groups to help you define terms, align goals and delineate expectations around DEI work. Our speaking engagements provide opportunities for dialogue, self-reflection, and group interaction to transform your staff's ability to communicate compassionately and courageously in the service of this important work.

Young Businesswomen


Nao & Associates consults with organizations working toward antiracist structural change. We provide hands-on coaching to executives and leaders on issues of diversity, equity, inclusion and meeting the needs of marginalized staff and clients, and provide workshops to train directors, managers, and frontline staff. We take an intersectional approach to addressing race, gender, and sexuality in the workplace.


We believe that socially just societal change begins with individual and professional transformation in each of our corners of the world.

Get in touch!

Our Team

Nao & Associates operates under our principles of diversity, inclusion, and breaking down traditional hierarchies. We work as a team to bring you a thoughtful and mindful approach to structural change. We believe that social change begins with individual and that each individual works in an interconnected web of influence toward justice.


Thanks for reaching out!

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